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Pilonidal Sinus- Who is at risk

Pilonidal Sinus - Who is at risk

Pilonidal Sinus Treatment in Bangalore | Dr. Manas Tripathy

A pilonidal cyst is one of the diseases treated by a proctologist. Top of the buttocks crease or near the tailbone a pilonidal cyst develops. The structure may look like a small depression or a pit. Sometimes, it may have a hollow tunnel or tract that joins it to the exterior of the skin.

Usually, there are no symptoms of a pilonidal cyst does, but, when it becomes infected, it may cause some irritation like pain, itching, and inflammation.

As per the expert, the exact cause of pilonidal cyst is not known. But some of the conditions like hormonal changes, hair growth, sitting for a long time, or friction from clothes may lead to the formation of a pilonidal cyst.

Free hairs that break in the skin is one of the root cause of pilonidal cysts. Because of this free hair, our body responds that the free hair may be a foreign substance and forms a cyst around the hair.

So lets us discuss the important topic as, who are more expected to get pilonidal cysts are:


It’s a fact that males are more prone to develop a pilonidal cyst but still, we don’t have a very specific reason to justify the statement

Younger people

In males, pilonidal cysts are most common in their late teens or early 20s.

Obese people

Obese people having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more are more likely to get a pilonidal cyst.

Inactive lifestyle or prolonged sitting

People who are inactive or whose jobs require sitting for a long duration can develop a pilonidal cyst. The reason behind this is continuous contact between buttock and chair exerts pressure and increases the possibility for a pilonidal cyst

Family history

Family history increases the chance of getting a pilonidal cyst. About, one-third of people have a family member with the condition.

Excess body hair

Excess body hair increases the risk of the pilonidal cyst and this can be one of the reasons why men get this condition more compared to women

Deep natal cleft

If there is a deep cleft between your buttocks then there is a risk or chance of getting the problem.

Poor hygiene

Poor hygiene is one of the very reasons behind developing a pilonidal cyst. Also, good hygiene is important for controlling this infection

Previous injury

Any previous history of injury to the affected area of skin may be a reason for getting a pilonidal cyst.

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